Seder Plates

Showing 1-32 out of 51 items
Showing 1-32 out of 51 items

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The Seder Plate

Traditionally, on Seder night, we prepare a royal table and take out our best dishes. The highlight on the table is the Seder Plate, placed in the center of the table. It holds six ritual items, each of which abounds in meaning and allusion, with special relevance to the story of the Jewish nation’s slavery and redemption from Egypt which is the central theme of the evening.

There are no laws regarding its size or decoration but it is usually a beautiful item, worthy of honoring the great evening. Laid out on the Seder Plate are indentations or small bowls for the six ritual foods that are consumed or displayed, Often, the artist will write the names of the items in Hebrew or English on the plate.

Canaan-Online Collection

Our selection of Seder Plates have been chosen for their exclusive handcrafted designs.

You will find a classic silver plated low cost Seder Plate or for a splendid look, consider our gleaming crystal Seder Plates. If you are a ceramic fan, you will love Michal Ben Yossef’s Seder Plate. For color and originality, there are stunning wood Seder Plates from beloved Yair Emanuel. A Dorit Judaica Seder Plate is always distinguished for her hallmark visually striking pomegranate designs, adding grandeur to your Pessach table. Shraga Landesman offers us originality and eye catching color combinations. For a stunning centerpiece, consider Kakadu’s Lazy Susan Seder Plate which can later be used for nuts and chocolates. If you are looking for a prestigious Seder Plate that is a work of art, we recommend Laura Cowan’s handwork or the three tier Matzah holder and Seder Plate created by the maestro artist – Agayof.

Seder Night

Whichever Seder Plate you choose, we are sure that it will add to the majesty of the evening so that years after childhood, those who participated in your Seder, will remember the evening with nostalgia and yearning.

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1 Eimrei Baruch Street, Bnei Brak 5160918, Israel