Mineral Care

Showing 1-17 out of 17 items
Showing 1-17 out of 17 items

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Your skin belongs to you and will stay with you for your entire life. So, you will only entrust its care to preparations from a company that is knowledgeable, experienced and dedicated to your well-being. You will also want it to be progressive – constantly updating its products to meet changing needs.


Mineral Care is a company that fits this portfolio. Located in the port town of Ashdod in Israel, its products are based on the health-giving minerals and salts of the Dead Sea, known for their unique healing and therapeutic properties. In its state of the art laboratories, the technicians of Mineral Care have extracted these miraculous resources and blended them with natural oils and plant extracts, essential vitamins, and other natural health ingredients. The result is a range of creams, lotions, shampoos and a vast array of preparations that calm the skin, regenerate cell growth, reduce aging signs and help to maintain a healthy and youthful looking skin.

The company has many popular lines. Elements, Spa Serene and BioActive Care are enormously successful, offering customers the opportunity to enjoy, in the comfort and privacy of their homes, a full spa experience at affordable prices. It also markets a choice of gift sets that are extremely popular during gift-giving seasons.


Mineral Care markets its cosmetic preparations world-over and the company is still growing and expanding. At aJudaica, we have our own research criteria to measure a product’s success. When a customer returns for a repeat purchase of a product, we know that it is a good buy. Based on our data, we can safely say that anyone who buys a Mineral Care product will almost certainly return to purchase the same or another Mineral Care product. The figures speak for themselves!

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1 Eimrei Baruch Street, Bnei Brak 5160918, Israel