Grey Anodized Aluminium Kiddush Cup by Agayof

Grey Anodized Aluminium Kiddush Cup by Agayof

Grey Anodized Aluminium Kiddush Cup by Agayof


Product Description

As you hold this magnificent gray-silver Kiddush cup and recite the Kiddush, its understated elegance will be admired by all who sit at your table. Made from anodized aluminum, its single adornment is a silver band on which are words from the blessing over wine.
An inner Teflon layer protects the aluminum so that it does not affect the wine taste.
The striking Kiddush Cup collection of Avner Agayof of Jerusalem is crafted from anodized aluminum in stylish colors, giving modern expression to Jewish tradition.


Item #: AGY-KC-003
Type: Kiddush cup
Materials: anodized aluminium
Made in Israel
Height: 4.3" / 11 cm
Artist: Agayof

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